
The Tips

All tips are listed on The Tips page, along with their running profit and loss.

The Helpful Punter’s Tips Explanations

Because explanations behind any tip should be substantial, I provide an audio summary for each one, as well as a much-abbreviated written summary on The Tips page. Those who wish to listen to the more comprehensive audio file simply need to click on the link associated with each tip. You can also follow my associated SoundCloud channel here.


The aim of this tipping blog is simple: to produce a profit by backing value selections over time. This is not a get-rich-quick service, but one that takes a disciplined approach to making money. Each and every tip comes with a comprehensive explanation of why I believe it offers a backer value. This is what sets The Helpful Punter apart.

Other tipsters provide tips without giving a full explanation as to why they are advising them. Without stating the odds they believe their selections should be, or explaining why, it is impossible to understand the rationale. Most tipsters allude to the horse they tip being over-priced, but rarely say to what extent this is so, or give context as to why the horse is over-priced.


To ensure full transparency, all bets and their accompanying explanations are posted on the site and links tweeted out as soon as they are live to produce a verifiable time stamp. For those who follow – and bet on — the selections, I strongly recommend you follow The Helpful Punter Twitter account here to make sure you read them in time to act.