Learn how to compile your own betting tissues
To help you develop skills in compiling tissues and gain practice in doing so, I run a betting tissue club. Each Friday, as soon as the declarations come in for Saturday and Sunday’s racing, I nominate one race on the Sunday as that week’s ‘tissue race’. You can use the free resources on The Helpful Punter to compile a tissue for that race, and submit it via an easy-to-use form.
Once all submissions have been received, I produce a summary table showing data such as the range of odds, median position in betting market, and mean odds submitted for each horse. I also include my tissue for comparison, and a brief audio clip that summarises why I have compiled my tissue the way I have. I do this so that you not only gain practice in compiling your own tissues, but see where others may have differed, and learn the thinking behind mine.
Generally speaking, I choose races that offer a challenge without setting too daunting a puzzle; I won’t choose five-runner Graded races featuring a short-priced favourite but I won’t choose 20-runner low-grade handicaps either.
Operational Rules
- One race on Sunday will be nominated before 1 pm each preceding Friday
- The nominated race will be highlighted on The Helpful Punter and via Twitter
- Tissues can only be submitted via the easy-to-use form here to standardise submissions and help me compile the summary efficiently
- Tissues must be submitted before 1 pm on Saturday before Sunday’s race to ensure all tissues are in before bookmaker tissues are available, and to leave me sufficient time to compile the summary and audio clip explaining my tissue. Submissions received after 1 pm will not be included
- The summary and explanatory audio clip will, whenever possible, be posted to this site before 5 pm on Saturday
- There will be no personal identifiers so your anonymity is guaranteed
One request
This club takes considerable time and effort to run. Its success depends on you putting in genuine effort and compiling a tissue in good faith, rather than throwing something together in a couple of minutes.
I hope it helps anyone and everyone with a genuine interest in developing tissue compiling skills. For that reason, I encourage even complete beginners to give it a go.
Resource — compile your own betting tissues
To see the resources devoted to the Betting Tissue Club, which can also be used by people wishing to learn these skills without being part of the club, see the Compile your own betting tissues resources here. Included in these freely downloadable resources are a framework, table of things to consider when assigning odds, and a dynamic tissue calculator.